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I'm drowning in email!
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We'll be releasing more invites for early-access soon – can't wait to have you onboard!
lockrScan's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. Read More
Yes, the only way we can view your current spam is to authenticate lockrScan with your Gmail. However, we are only accessing your email for the purposes of lockrScan's features. We are only searching for branded emails and will not... Read More
With more and more brands leveraging email marketing, our inboxes have gotten out of control. This clutter makes it easy to miss important emails or waste precious minutes every day sorting and deleting irrelevant emails. lockrScan provides you with a... Read More
lockrScan is a solution for your current spam - it helps you organize and unsubscribe promotional emails to clean up your Gmail account. lockrMail is a solution for your future spam. Using your lockrMail email address with brands gives you... Read More
No - lockrScan is available to both lockrMail users and non-users. lockrMail users have one added feature with lockrScan - the "Add to lockrMail" option. Read More
At the moment, lockrScan only supports an integration with Gmail. We may look to support other email clients in the future depending on demand. Read More